Results from the NACPRO Point of Sale Survey
Thanks to everyone who shared their experience with their point-of-sale systems! There’s still time contribute. Click on the link, add your information and return to [email protected].
2024 NACo Achievement Awards
Since 1970, the NACo Achievement Awards have recognized outstanding county government programs and services. Through a non-competitive application process, noteworthy programs receive awards in 18 categories that cover a vast range of county responsibilities.
There are several categories that could apply in your department:
- Arts, culture and historic preservation
- Children and youth
- Community and economic development
- Parks and recreation
- Planning
- Volunteers
Apply by March 30 for a chance to earn national recognition.
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Special Districts Grant Accessibility Act Introduced
Courtesy of Karr Advocacy
Bipartisan legislation was introduced Tuesday to define “special district” in federal law to enhance federal understanding of the nation’s special purpose governments and reduce barriers for special districts’ access to federally-sourced funding opportunities.
The Special Districts Grant Accessibility Act, H.R. 7525, is sponsored by Congressman Pat Fallon, R-Texas, alongside Democratic co-lead Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen, D-Colo. The legislation is on a fast track with a markup scheduled in the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Thursday.
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America’s Ecosystem Restoration Initiative: America the Beautiful Challenge 2024 Request for Proposals
Courtesy of NRPA
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, through anticipated cooperative agreements from many federal agencies, is releasing the America the Beautiful Challenge (ATBC) 2024 Request for Proposals. The ATBC vision is to streamline grant funding opportunities for new voluntary conservation and restoration projects throughout the United States. This RFP consolidates funding from multiple federal agencies and the private sector to enable applicants to conceive and develop large-scale, locally led projects that address shared funder priorities spanning public, Tribal, and private lands.
In year three of the ATBC, approximately $119 million will be awarded in nationwide funding to conserve, connect, and restore the lands, waters, and wildlife upon which we all depend.
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Federal Earmarks Process — How to Win Funding for Local Park Initiatives
Courtesy of NRPA
As Congress wraps up its long-delayed negotiations on the appropriations process for the federal fiscal year (FY) 2024 in early March, they will very quickly pivot to kicking off the FY 2025 appropriations process. Your NRPA Public Policy and Advocacy team is here to help you make sense of it all. Whether you submitted a request for funding last year or you’re reading about this opportunity for the first time, here’s all the information you’ll need to successfully submit a project request with your congressional representatives.
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Wayfinding signage project cleans up safety and navigation concerns
Courtesy of Parks and Recreation Business Plus
By Colleen McCarty
ILLINOIS - Signage in Saw Wee Kee Park once consisted of an inaccurate map on a kiosk in the parking lot, and painted stripes on trees along the 11 miles of mountain-biking trails. This not only made the trails difficult to navigate, but local authorities expressed concerns if there was an emergency in the 134-acre park.
The Sign Master Plan Project was part of larger improvements that included trail clean-up, updated emergency procedures, new signage, and new maintenance equipment. The park district partnered with the Oswego Fire Protection District (OFPD), Kendall County Sheriff’s Department, and Chicago Area Mountain Bikers (CAMBr) to create a new path-labeling system, location maps, and wayfinding signs.
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Firewise Landscaping
Courtesy of Parks and Recreation Business Plus
By Cassie Olgren
COLORADO - Park planners and landscape designers have long followed these tenets: conserve water, include native plant selections, design for long-term sustainable maintenance, and follow Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. Now, another tenet has been added to the list—design for fire. In this part of the country, the emerging understanding of wildfire events is that it is not a matter of “if” but “when.” This is not an approach born out of anxiety or paranoid thinking. On the contrary, this allows the landscape planner to look objectively at the flammability of their landscapes. The term “firewise” can be slippery to define. This is why some prefer the term “ignition-resistant.”
What follows are some recommendations for the most firewise plants and materials, and those that are better to avoid.
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Former Georgia Mall Revived by Pickleball
Courtesy of Planetizen
By Diana Ionescu
GEORGIA - A defunct mall in Macon, Georgia will get a new life as a civic center complete with government offices and an outdoor amphitheater. Now, the county is transforming the space. A two-story sports complex with pickleball courts —potentially the world’s largest indoor pickleball facility — has already been built. “Some local government departments and offices have already moved into the mall, and the others will have relocated by the end of April.”
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Los Angeles County Moves to Open Schoolyards to Public Uses
Courtesy of Planetizen
By Clement Lau
CALIFORNIA - Increasing access to recreational facilities that already exist at schools is one of the oldest and most effective ways to provide more opportunities for physical activity and play in neighborhoods. After all, even the most under-served areas have schools. At a time of budget cuts and shortfalls, maximizing access to existing facilities is an efficient and economical use of public resources.
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Clean Drain Dry Initiative Releases Annual Accomplishment Report
Courtesy of River Management Society
The 2023 Report showcases national efforts to coordinate communications and prevention marketing by delivering on-the-ground strategies that empower the public and prevent spread.
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St. Paul City Council passes $45.1 million in street, park improvements through new sales tax
Courtesy of
By Riley Moser
MINNESOTA - The St. Paul City Council passed more than $45 million in funds Wednesday to improve streets and parks infrastructure thanks to the city's new 1% sales tax increase.
The city projects the increase will raise a billion dollars for road construction projects over the next 15 to 20 years. Of those funds, $738 million must go to improving streets and $246 million are intended for parks.
"I am thrilled to finally transform this long-awaited investment into reality," Mayor Melvin Carter said.
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NAAEE 2024: The Call for Presentations is open
The North American Association for Environmental Education seeks compelling proposals for our 53rd Annual Conference (November 6–9) and 21st Research Symposium (November 5–6), taking place in Pittsburgh, PA. Proposals Due: April 26, 2024
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