Reminder: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion issues in the Outdoors Survey
Kampgrounds of America (KOA) is committed to providing the industry with information on the camping sector, which covers all types of camping and not just the private campground sector. KOA has conducted the North American Camping Report annually for the last 5 years. The free download covers the camping market, trends, demographics, behavior, attitudes, etc.
Currently, KOA is surveying park and campground managers on their views toward inclusiveness and the challenges they might face, how they might be addressing these issues, and how these issues impact their parks. The survey takes about 7 minutes to complete.
NACPRO will share the results when the report is published.
Complete the survey:
Welcome New Members
Ms. Liz Bellas, Director Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks Sacramento, California
Ms. Leigh Davis, Director Leon County Division of Parks & Recreation Tallahassee, Florida
Mr. Jordan Beal, Operations Supervisor Saginaw County Parks & Recreation Saginaw, Michigan
Mr. Alvin McNeal, Acting Deputy Director MNCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation Riverdale, Maryland
Mr. Steve Carter, Deputy Director MNCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation Riverdale, Maryland
Ms. Kelli Beavers, Division Chief MNCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation Fort Washington, Maryland
Ms. Maureen Broderick, Recreation Division Manager Charlotte County Community Services Port Charlotte, Florida
Mr. Mike Norton, Recreation Supervisor Charlotte County Community Services Port Charlotte, Florida
Best Practices Forum
Member Request for Help
We are having some issues in our Mixed or Coed softball leagues related to transgender players. Typically we would allow a person to play under the gender they identify with like using a restroom, but some teams are complaining that some men are only identifying as a woman for the softball league to gain an unfair advantage. I’m wondering if any other agencies have experience with this issue and how it was resolved.
Eric Call, Director Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation 561.966.6613 [email protected]
Got an issue you need advice on? Or a best practice you want to share? Send us the details and we will publish it in the next NACPRO News.
Member News
Partnering to Deliver Education in Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Courtesy of NRPA
By Mercedes Santoro and Clement Lau
CALIFORNIA - In 2018 the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) published its Out-of-School Time (OST) Report, which is based on the responses from a survey of 334 park and recreation agencies across the U.S.
A key finding from the report is that more than half of park and recreation agencies offer OST science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities that focus on the environment, technology and project-based learning. One of those agencies is the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) which offers summer camps focusing on environment, science, technology, engineering, art and math (ESTEAM).
In 2016, DPR initiated an effort to update its mission, vision and values, as part of its Business and Operations Plan. The renewed mission includes a focus on serving as environmental stewards, building healthy and resilient communities, and advancing social equity and cohesion. DPR decided to realign recreation programming to support its strategic purpose with a goal towards partnering with others who share similar missions. Specifically, DPR’s school-age summer camp was reimagined to feature an outdoor science focus in partnership with the Natural History Museum (NHM) of Los Angeles County.
The pilot camp program began in 2017 serving 350 school-age children at eight sites. The program has since expanded in terms of partners, sites and participants. In the summer of 2019, DPR partnered with NHM as well as the Department of Beaches and Harbors and the Department of Public Works to offer six-week ESTEAM camps at 17 county parks, serving over 900 children.
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Research and Resources
How-To Guide for Stormwater Credit Trading Courtesy of American Rivers
By Shanyn Viars
Stormwater credit trading not only provides economic benefits by reducing costs for municipalities but also advances the implementation of green infrastructure across a city.
With the support of the Great Lakes Protection Fund, Stormwater Currency and the City of Grand Rapids explored a market-based approach that creates incentivizes for private property owners to choose green infrastructure approaches for managing their stormwater. We sought solutions that harness the economic advantages of a market to fund green infrastructure on private property, reducing costs to the developers and the City’s.
For those that are considering sustainable solutions to address stormwater in your communities, we developed a handy guide, Establishing a Stormwater Volume Credit Trading Program.
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Pricing Strategies That Combat Social Injustice Courtesy of NRPA
By John L. Crompton, Ph.D.
The key descriptors of social justice are “equality” and “fairness.” In recent years, the term has been extrapolated to a wide range of contexts, including environmental, race, gender and human exploitation. However, in its earliest forms it primarily was concerned with income inequality. In contemporary U.S. society, an explicit element of social justice remains the redistribution of resources to those who are economically disadvantaged. Pricing strategies play a role in exacerbating or amending social injustice in the context of parks and recreation.
Tension in public-sector pricing debates revolves around optimizing the two guiding concepts of fairness: The Benefit Principle and the Ability to Pay Principle. The Benefit Principle states that residents or service users’ contributions should reflect the benefits they receive from a service. The Ability to Pay Principle states that the price or amounts of tax to be paid should reflect people’s different ability to pay and that, as much as possible, no residents should be excluded from participating because they lack the funds to do so. The challenge for public decision makers in arriving at a price perceived to be “fair” is how best to reconcile these two principles.
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Top Trends in Parks and Recreation 2020 Courtesy of NRPA
By Richard J. Dolesh
It’s that time of year again to introduce NRPA’s eagerly anticipated, always interesting and surprisingly prescient look at the top trends in parks and recreation for the coming year.
- Video Surveillance Coming to a Park Near You - eSports Coaches Coming Soon to Rec Centers - How Are You Going to Kill Weeds Without Glyphosate? - Recreation Centers Become Community Wellness Hubs - Micromobility Devices in Parks
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Vector Control Technical Assistance from NACCHO Courtesy of NRPA
Keeping park users aware of and safe from the dangers of mosquitoes and ticks is challenging. The National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO) is now accepting applications for the Vector Control Collaborative technical assistance program. This program matches local vector control programs with mosquito and/or tick control programs currently looking for guidance, tools, resources and recommendations to build program capability. Participants will be matched with a mentor who will visit them to provide on-site technical assistance in mosquito and/or tick surveillance and control. Selected programs will also be awarded funds to visit and shadow their mentor's site.
Applications are due January 31.
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Public Art – Community Tool Box Courtesy of the National Park Service
Works of art have long enhanced our public spaces - just think about fountains, murals and archways. Creative expressions help define a community’s identity and evoke the spirit of place. Art has the power to draw people together and enrich their experiences. How can it be used in community spaces?
From engaging communities to securing funding, this toolkit walks you through the steps and opportunities that come with incorporating art in public spaces.
For more information:
In the News
The Minds Behind Louisville’s Riverfront Revival Courtesy of
By Ryan Van Velzer
KENTUCKY - In Louisville the Ohio River has something of an image problem.
It seems like everything imaginable has ended up in the river at one time or another. There are the usual suspects like plastic bottles, Styrofoam coolers and tires. There are the byproducts of cities and industries: sewage, landfill juice and industrial waste. And then there are the things that seem almost uniquely Kentucky like coal ash and bourbon.
The Ohio River has been called “the most polluted river in America,” but that’s an incomplete portrait of a nearly thousand-mile-long river teeming with biodiversity, history and culture.
Along Louisville’s Waterfront Park, David Karem sees the river as the lifeblood of the community. On the river itself, David Wicks kayaks through an ecological corridor, devising a recreation trail where others see barge commerce. And standing beside a road crumbling into the Ohio’s muddy riverbanks, Scott Martin envisions a park that inspires people with the power of the river.
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Keeping Colorado Land from Development Could Cost $5 Million Courtesy of Planetizen
By Camille Fink
COLORADO - City officials are warning that a recently launched citizen petition designed to keep a prominent and picturesque parcel of land on the western fringe of the metro area [of Golden in Colorado] free of commercial development could cost taxpayers up to $5 million as part of a legal showdown over property rights," reports John Aguilar.
Golden Overlook is a 27-acre vacant area, and the owner of the property wants to build storage spaces and warehouses on the land. But residents want to see Golden Overlook kept as open space.
The property is zoned for commercial use, and any regulatory taking of the land would require that the city compensate the landowner.
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Josephine County park lawsuit settled for $110,000 Courtesy of the Mail Tribune
By Nick Morgan
OREGON - A wheelchair-bound man who claimed he spent five days at a Josephine County park unable to use its restroom or showers has settled his lawsuit with the county.
Richard Wagner of Ohio, a paraplegic who claimed he had to leave Schroeder Park in Grants Pass in order to use the restroom or sponge bathe during a September 2016 family outing, agreed to drop his lawsuit against Josephine County in exchange for a cash settlement and the county’s pledge to hire an Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator at multiple county parks, according to a Dec. 20 filing in U.S. District Court in Medford.
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12 Natural Wonders You Can Visit Via Public Transportation Courtesy of Atlas Obscura
By Michelle Cassidy
Many of the world’s natural wonders are hidden in remote deserts or dense jungles, far from the nearest bus stop or subway station.
But if you’re itching to take in some planet-produced glory and don’t have access to a car—or a camel—you’re not necessarily out of luck. Many of the buses and trains that we take to work can lead to some incredible sights. From a brightly colored salt lake to a retreating glacier, these are 12 natural wonders that are accessible by public transportation.
As agencies deal with diversity and climate change, transit access could be a double win.
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95 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump Courtesy of the New York Times
By Nadja Popovich, Livia Albeck-Ripka and Kendra Pierre-Louis
President Trump has made eliminating federal regulations a priority. His administration, with help from Republicans in Congress, has often targeted environmental rules it sees as burdensome to the fossil fuel industry and other big businesses.
A New York Times analysis, based on research from Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School and other sources, counts more than 90 environmental rules and regulations rolled back under Mr. Trump.
Our list represents two types of policy changes: rules that were officially reversed and rollbacks still in progress.
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News from NRPA
2020 NRPA Awards Applications Now Open
Applications for the 2020 NRPA Innovation, Spotlight and Scholarship/Fellowship Awards are now open. These awards highlight the truly outstanding work of park and recreation professionals and agencies that are going above and beyond to make a difference in their communities each year.
What can you do to make sure your application stands out from the rest? Join us for a webinar Thursday, January 16 at 2 p.m. EST to learn how to give your agency and yourself a better chance at receiving national recognition in 2020.
For more information:
News from NACo
County Highlights in the FY 2020 Federal Spending Agreement
Nearly three months after the start of fiscal year (FY) 2020, congressional leaders were able to reach an agreement on a two-part spending deal that will fund the federal government through September 30, 2020. President Trump signed the two packages (H.R. 1865; H.R. 1158) totaling more than 2,300 pages and $1.4 trillion, into law on December 20, averting a government shutdown and bringing an end to several months of short-term funding extensions and disagreements over spending levels and policy riders.
The overall $1.37 trillion funding in the spending bills – a combination of $738 billion in defense funding and $632 billion for non-defense departments – represents the highest level of appropriations funding for the federal government since FY 2011. In total, the spending agreement provides $49 billion in extra funding spread across the federal government over the next nine months.
The FY 2020 spending deal includes several key items of importance for county governments. Several of these items include:
− Full funding for the Payments in Lieu of Taxes program and a two-year reauthorization of the Secure Rural Schools program − The full repeal of the 40-percent “Cadillac Tax” − $425 million in new election security funding − $5 billion in new funding for disaster relief − $1.5 billion for local opioid response efforts − National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) extended until September 2020 − $640 million investments in expansion of rural broadband services − Extends Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments through May 22, 2020 − Increased investments in CDBG, the HOME program and the Economic Development Administration − Legislative fix for counties implementing child welfare reforms through Family First Transition Act
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NACo Now Accepting Interim Policy Resolutions for 2020 Legislative Conference
Submit your policy resolutions by January 29
In preparation for the National Association of Counties (NACo) 2020 Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. (Feb. 29 – Mar. 4), we encourage members to use this opportunity to get involved and have your voice heard in Washington by submitting a policy resolution today.
For more information:
Webinar: Medical Marijuana/CBD — an ADA Compliance Perspective Courtesy of NRPA
January 9 at 2 p.m. EST
The use of prescribed medical marijuana is permitted by 33 states and the District of Columbia, and CBD oil is a legal product so long as it has less than 0.3 percent THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. Both products have a known history of pain relief, but are they a reasonable modification as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act? Is your staff ready to hold and administer these for participants with disabilities? J
This webinar is part of our Premier Webinar Series, which is $35 for Premier Members and $50 for all other member types and includes 0.1 continuing education units (CEUs).
For more information:
SORP 2020 Winter Webinar Series Courtesy of the Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals
"Outdoors for All: Advancing Stewardship, Equity, and Wellness in Outdoor Recreation"
January 15, 2020 Webinar 1: Leave No Trace – From Science to Application in Parks and Protected Areas: Strategies for Influencing Visitor Behavior
February 12, 2020 Webinar 2: A New Table: With Chevon Powell of Outdoor Refuge Festival
March 11, 2020 Webinar 3: Sustainable Recreation and Tourism on Public Lands: A Strategy for Applied Research
Leave No Trace – From Science to Application in Parks and Protected Areas: Strategies for Influencing Visitor Behavior
Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Length: 1 Hour Time: 12:00 pm Mountain Cost: Free for SORP members, $45 for Non-members CEU's: 1.0 AICP Continuing Maintenance credit available Recreational use of our shared public lands is increasing exponentially. With that increased use comes increased impact. Though some of those impacts are unavoidable, most are entirely avoidable. The majority of people venturing outside are ill-equipped with the basic Leave No Trace skills to minimize their individual but cumulative impact on the places they visit. Join Ben Lawhon, Education Director for the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics to learn about how Leave No Trace is being used effectively to address impacts from recreation across the country. This presentation will examine the effects of recreation, and will also show how cutting-edge research is informing Leave No Trace education, outreach, and training. Lastly, the transferability of specific tactics for effectively educating the recreating public will be examined in order to provide tangible solutions for meeting the current challenges faced by our shared public lands.
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